I’m not entirely sure why I’m choosing 100-plus-year-old children’s book illustrations, but they are amusing.
Alice speaking to Tweedledee and Tweedledum reminds me of the great difference between the political parties in the United States and the media for some reason. Ah well, on with the article if you’re still reading.
So the question is: What are conservatives conserving anyway? I spent a bit of time researching right and left, liberal and conservative tracing it back to the French revolution, and quickly my eyes started to glaze over, then I closed the browser windows and almost took a nap.
Like the illustration above, there is not much difference between the two sides ultimately without core beliefs. Except maybe the name, and we all know what side is dumb. Right?
America, for all her faults, is pretty unique as nations go. Having lived overseas, I understand we Yanks believe world history started with us, but it turns out we have greatly improved the human condition and spread human flourishing around the world.
Being a conservative assumes there is something to conserve. The truth is we have lost truth. Our leaders and our citizens have forgotten the lessons of the past.
You may have noticed (or maybe not) that we are repeating the 70’s economic policies by dumping massive amounts of money into the economy through welfare spending thus creating high inflation and a bear market.
We repeated the error of Sodom and Gomorrah, Rome, and so many others by embracing the agenda of the alphabet people (I can’t keep up with all the letters) with literal parades of indecency and debauchery, with the governor of New Mexico dancing in her pink tutu and the Speaker of the House speaking at a drag queen event.
I don’t really have the energy to list all the things, but my point is that I don’t want to conserve this status quo. Does that mean I’m no longer a conservative?
What it means is that I never was a conservative.
I have always been a Christian.
As the Bible makes clear the followers of Jesus will always be at odds with the culture, even a so-called Christian culture when those followers adhere to the sound doctrine of biblical faith.
Of course, Jesus gives us the best understanding of the situation, the two options are God’s way (the narrow path) or the highway to hell (the wide path) and there is no standing still, we either walk in the light with Him or walk in darkness.