There is nothing like a melodramatic title to pique the interest, and yet the news stories of the last seven days that don’t make page one are hard for me to ignore without recalling the black horse of Revelation.

When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but do not damage the oil and the wine.”

Revelation 6:5-6

I’m not just thinking of US gas prices even as the president of Mexico chides President Biden that Americans are crossing into Mexico to save a buck a gallon. No, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is recommending breaching the four dams on the Snake River that provide much of the power for the Pacific Northwest in order to make it easier for the salmon to swim where they need to swim.

This would cause the cost of electricity to increase by an estimated 18% and continue to increase as new regulations will make power more expensive to produce. And it has the added benefit of further disrupting the supply chain and many roads and bridges would become useless.

There are many stories in the states like this as the government pushes electric vehicles while at the same time making the electric grid unstable and expensive. My sister living in central Texas is looking forward to brownouts and blackouts this week, during a heatwave due to the “improved” power grid and that is a red state.

Worldwide, we see the farmers in the Netherlands blocking roads and dumping very fresh manure on government buildings as the food supply is being threatened by the green agenda as farmers are forced to eliminate cattle and fertilizer by 30-40%. This is happening as war-induced famine looms over Europe and Africa.

Speaking of Africa, Ghana, South Africa, and others have been forced to use renewable energy and less effective fertilizers to achieve higher ESG scores in order to have their debt financed and now they too are experiencing rolling blackouts and manmade famines.

If you want to understand the impact of the green new deal and what it is bringing to the whole world in terms of destroying human prosperity, look to Sri Lanka. While there are many factors in the uprising that country is experiencing, chief among them is a lack of food and energy.

That is because they were convinced to use fertilizers that were environmentally friendly but not productive in growing food and once again to use green energy instead of reliable energy. Now inflation and debt are out of control and the lines for food and fuel stretch forever.

My point is that most famines are not caused by weather events, at least not entirely. Most of them are manmade and the current famine is about to get worse on purpose. This is true for all four horsemen of the apocalypse.

When you look at the various scriptures dealing with the last days you find that much of the destruction is self-imposed. The people choose the charismatic dictator that brings revolution which in turn brings economic devastation, war, and disease.

The creation worship that created the green new deal is giving us a foretaste of life under the man of lawlessness as the world is turned over to a debased mind. This is described in Romans 1 and 2 Thessalonians 2 and elsewhere.

Buckle up as the train is just leaving the station. Things will get more interesting in late September as the first world looks more like the rest of the world.

From the tribulation’s edge.

About the Author Paul Holt

Paul is a bi-vocational pastor in Magdalena, NM who works as an administrative assistant for Dr. Duane Beers in Socorro. He is a husband, father, and grandfather.

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